The series tells the story of Patrick Sumner, a disgraced ex-army surgeon who signs up as ship's doctor on a whaling expedition to the Arctic. On board he meets the harpooner Henry Drax, a mindless killer who appears more animal than human.
Set in the U.K. and in the Arctic wasteland in the late 1850s, THE NORTH WATER tells the story of Patrick Sumner (Jack O'Connell), a disgraced ex-army surgeon who signs up as ship's doctor on a whaling expedition to the Arctic. On board he meets the harpooner Henry Drax (Colin Farrell), a brutish killer whose amorality has been shaped to fit the harshness of his world. Hoping to escape the horrors of his past, Sumner finds himself in a male-dominated world, on an ill-fated journey with a murderous psychopath. In search of redemption, his story becomes a harsh struggle for survival in the Arctic wasteland.

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