A shy and enigmatic Detective Sergeant is partnered with a wildly ambitious Detective Chief Inspector to solve crimes in the historic city of Bath.

Estaba en los canales:

Cosmopolitan Televisión  Aragón TV  ETB 4  ETB 2  

  • My Life Is Murder (2019)

    Fearless and playful, she acts on instinct; both avenging angel and a bit of a shit stirrer; deeply empathetic and blunt to the point of rudeness. And with a...
  • Grantchester (2014)

    It's 1953, and Sidney Chambers is vicar of Grantchester, a village just outside Cambridge. Sidney's life is a quiet life - right up until the moment that murder...
  • Grandes viajes ferroviarios por Asia (2020)

    Michael Portillo se embarca en un viaje de 2500 millas a través del sudeste asiático, armado con la guía de confianza de Bradshaw. Publicado en 1913, en el apogeo...
  • Los misterios de Laura (2014)

    A single mom NYPD homicide detective cracks case after case while raising wild twin boys and locking horns with her less than helpful police detective ex-husband.

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