
Little Giants – Kleine Tiere ganz groß

Little Giants (2019)

Dokumentarfilm, Reality-TV, Drama, Kriminalität | Vereinigte Staaten

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When one thinks of dominant animals that roam the earth, large predators - lions, grizzlies and titanic anacondas - come to mind. But, pound for pound, the most powerful and awe-inspiring creatures are the elusive micro-monsters that exist just beneath our feet. Wildlife author and expert Bradley Trevor Greive and biodesigner Billy Almon venture to some of the most remote and inhospitable habitats in the world to track down these tiny beasts. Using state of the art equipment, they will measure the abilities of these creatures and present them in a way never seen before.


Little Giants – Kleine Tiere ganz großLittle Giants – Kleine Tiere ganz groß


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