Boonie Bears

Boonie Bears (2011)

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Boonie Bears is a 3D animated comedy series presented by Fantawild Animation Inc. This light-hearted comic romp, designed for children between the ages of 4 and 12, is set in a lovely wooded wonderland in rural Northeast China. Though the surroundings might seem idyllic, deep in the heart of the region peace has been disrupted by the dastardly Logger Vick, who schemes to transform the majestic forest into his own personal lumberyard! Too bad for Vick-two strapping brown-bear brothers are determined to thwart his plans and send him packing. Together, Briar and Bramble Bear go about sabotaging every effort of that sneaky logging-crew foreman-and always with hilarious results! Boonie Bears chronicles the lengths to which the nefarious Logger Vick will go to bring down as many trees as time, equipment, and greed will allow. If Vick is the no-luck villain of the piece, then bear siblings Briar and Bramble are its heart-of-gold heroes. Boonie Bears is a fast-paced comic battle for the ...


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