
Evilution - Die Bestie aus dem Cyberspace

How to Make a Monster (2001)

Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Mystery | Vereinigte Staaten
Regie: George Huang

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Bewertung: 4.4/10
Benutzer-Bewertung: 10/10


The CEO of Clayton Software, Faye Clayton, lays off her development team after their latest game project, called "Evilution", receives numerous disastrous test previews, and begins her search for a new team. During this search, she selected a team of renowned game designers, Bug, Hardcore, Sol, led by Peter Drummond as replacements. At the same time, they are informed that a bonus of a million dollars would be awarded to those who make the game the most scariest, through innovation means. Despite the rivalry among them, they work together to make a game scary enough to scare the kids in four weeks. Just as Sol adds his powerful AI chip into the hard drive, the lightning strike causes a power surge which brings "Evilution" to life. The programmers are soon confined in the building, becoming targets of their killer game they've created and the virtual nightmare begins.


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