Bewertung: 8.1/10
Benutzer-Bewertung: 9.6/10
(51 abstimmung)


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  • Reflections (1987)

    Piano teacher is deeply traumatised by the events of his childhood, as well as by political oppression in his youth. Decades later, all those traumas lead to...
  • 3 1/2 Stunden (2021)

    Vor 60 Jahren endete schlagartig die Reisefreiheit innerhalb Deutschlands. Eine Mauer trennte plötzlich Ost- von Westberlin. Packend erzählt der Film die...
  • Ginger Snaps - Das Biest in dir (2000)

    Die beiden Schwestern Ginger und Brigitte sind die besten Freundinnen. Ihr gemeinsames Hobby, brutale Morde nachzustellen und anschließend zu fotografieren,...
  • Lazar (1984)

    A mother and her son live in the country. She has gone mad and the son has fallen mute as a result of the violence to which they had been exposed in the war.

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