
Mechanical Marvels: Clockwork Dreams

Mechanical Marvels: Clockwork Dreams (2013)

Dokumentarfilm | Großbritannien
Regie: Nic Stacey

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Bewertung: 7.9/10


Journey through time, exploring the bizarre and untold history of the automata – these intricate moving clockwork machines, made in the pre-industrial age to mimic humans and animals. These devices are beautiful and disturbing at the same time. They are simultaneously life-like and completely mechanical. Seeing them work and move is to see the dead come to life. The story of these early robots is full of mystery, intrigue, deceit and deception. It's a tale of eccentric artisans and visionaries and the unwitting impact their creations would have on the world. It’s about the meeting of art, science and history. The stories are told through a rich blend of location filming, archive and short dramatic sequences - but the real stars are the robots themselves.


Mechanical Marvels: Clockwork DreamsMechanical Marvels: Clockwork Dreams


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