
Zagreb: Open City

Zlatne godine (1994)

Drama | Kroatien, Frankreich

Bewertung: 6.6/10
Benutzer-Bewertung: 8.5/10
(6 votes)


The crash of student strike, also the crash of "Croatian Spring" in December of 1971. causes a violent separation of it's 3 participations: A member of student leaders Jakov, his brother Mislav and Jakov's girlfriend Suncana. Jakov escapes abroad while Mislav and Suncana remain in Zagreb believing that nothing bad can happened to them. Meanwhile, Mislav is getting arrested and Suncana stays alone. 20 years later, Jakov returns from Australia looking for a new beginning. He stays at Mislav's who married a girl from a rich family, after released from prison and becomes a dentist. Soon, the brothers discover that the scelator from the past were not buried, after all and the case of Suncana Krizic, who got killed in 1972. under mysterious circumstances, becomes Jakov's obsession in finding the truth. Mislav's suspicious resistance towards this private investigation, unclear role of ex-UDBA operator Brkan and Jakov's sympathy towards Brkan's granddaughter Tala is about to complicate Jakov's psychological state.


Zagreb: Open CityZagreb: Open CityZagreb: Open CityZagreb: Open CityZagreb: Open CityZagreb: Open CityZagreb: Open CityZagreb: Open CityZagreb: Open CityZagreb: Open CityZagreb: Open CityZagreb: Open CityZagreb: Open CityZagreb: Open CityZagreb: Open City


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