Luis Alcoriza

Rođendan: 1918
Umro: 1992
1. El capitán Malacara (1945), film
2. María Magdalena (1946), film
3. Veliki rasipnik (1949), film...Alfredo
4. La liga de las muchachas (1950), film...Jefe de mafiosos
5. Tú, solo tú (1950), film...León
1. Tiburoneros (1963), film
2. Love & Sex (Sappho 1963) (1964), film
3. The Gangster (1965), film
4. Juego peligroso (1967), film
5. National Mechanics (1972), film
6. Presagio (1974), film
7. The Living Forces (1975), film
8. Viacrucis nacional (1981), film
9. Terror and Black Lace (1986), film
10. The Shadow of the Cypress Is Long (1990), film
1. Veliki rasipnik (1949), film
2. Zaboravljeni (1950), film
3. La liga de las muchachas (1950), film...(story and adaptation)
4. Tú, solo tú (1950), film
5. El siete machos (1951), film...(story)
6. Canasta uruguaya (1951), film
7. La miel se fue de la luna (1952), film
8. On (1953), film
9. Grubijan (1953), film...(story)
10. La isla de las mujeres (1953), film
11. Gitana tenías que ser (1953), film...(story)
12. Iluzija putuje tramvajem (1954), film...(adaptation)
13. Rijeka i smrt (1954), film
14. La vida no vale nada (1955), film
15. Smrt u vrtu (1956), film...(adaptation)
16. El inocente (1956), film...(story and adaptation)
17. The King of México (1956), film
18. Me gustan valentones! (1959), film
19. La tijera de oro (1960), film
20. The Skeleton of Mrs. Morales (1960), film...(screenplay)
21. Guantes de oro (1961), film
22. Kill Yourself, My Love (1961), film
23. Anđeo uništenja (1962), film...(story: Los Náufragos de la Calle de la Providenci
24. Tiburoneros (1963), film
25. The Gangster (1965), film
26. Romeo contra Julieta (1968), film
27. ¡Persíguelas y... alcánzalas! (1969), film
28. Presagio (1974), film
29. The Living Forces (1975), film
30. Tres mujeres en la hoguera (1979), film
31. Viacrucis nacional (1981), film
32. Terror and Black Lace (1986), film...(screenplay)
33. The Shadow of the Cypress Is Long (1990), film...(dialogue)