Douglas Fowley

Rođendan: 1911
Umro: 1998
1. Plavi otrov (1934), film...New Bellboy with Vase
2. The Thin Man (1934), film...Taxi Driver
3. Operator 13 (1934), film...Union Officer (uncredited)
4. Money Means Nothing (1934), film...Red
5. Navy Born (1936), film...Lt. Steve Bassett
6. Charlie Chan na Broadwayju (1937), film...Johnny Burke
...Pete Lewis
8. Šerif iz Dodz Sitija (1939), film...Munger
9. Henry Goes Arizona (1939), film...Ricky Dole
10. Cherokee Strip (1940), film...Alf Barrett
11. Doctors Don't Tell (1941), film...Joe Grant
12. Lost Canyon (1942), film...Jeff Burton
13. So's Your Aunt Emma! (1942), film...Gus Hammond
14. Sunset on the Desert (1942), film...Ramsay McCall
15. I Live on Danger (1942), film...Joey Farr
16. Minesweeper (1943), film...Cutter Lt. Wells
17. The Kansan (1943), film...Ben Nash
18. Jitterbugs (1943), film...Malcolm Bennett
19. Colt Comrades (1943), film...Joe Brass
20. Jedan leš, a njih je previše (1944), film...Henry Rutherford
21. The Navajo Trail (1945), film...J. Richard Bentley
22. Life With Blondie (1945), film...Blackie Leonard
23. Don't Fence Me In (1945), film...Jack Gordon
24. 'Neath Canadian Skies (1946), film...Ned Thompson
25. Scared to Death (1946), film...Terry Lee
26. North of the Border (1946), film...Nails Nelson
27. Larceny in Her Heart (1946), film...Doc Patterson
28. In Fast Company (1946), film...Steve Trent
29. Očajnik (1947), film...Pete
30. Tvrdice (1947), film...Georgie Gaver
31. Yankee Fakir (1947), film...Yankee Davis
32. Wild Country (1947), film...Clark Varney
33. Backlash (1947), film...Red Bailey
34. Three on a Ticket (1947), film...Mace Morgan
35. Undercover Maisie (1947), film...Daniels
36. Fall Guy (1947), film...Inspector Shannon
37. Coroner Creek (1948), film...Stew Shallis
38. Iza zaključanih vrata (1948), film...Larson
39. The Dude Goes West (1948), film...Beetle
40. The Denver Kid (1948), film...Slit
41. Take Me Out to the Ball Game (1949), film...Karl
42. Moćni Joe Young (1949), film...Jones
43. Susannin prolaz (1949), film...Roberts aka Walter P. Johnson
44. Massacre River (1949), film...Simms
45. Battleground (1949), film...'Kipp' Kippton
46. Satan's Cradle (1949), film...Steve Gentry
47. Flaxy Martin (1949), film...Max Janus
48. Arson, Inc. (1949), film...Frederick P. Fender
49. Pljačka oklopnog kamioneta (1950), film...Benny McBride
50. He's a Cockeyed Wonder (1950), film...'Crabs' Freeley
51. Beware of Blondie (1950), film...Adolph
52. Killer Shark (1950), film...Louie Bracado
53. Rider from Tucson (1950), film...Bob Rankin
54. Kočija za Tucson (1950), film...Ira Prentiss
55. Kroz divljinu Missourija (1951), film...Tin Cup Owens
56. Angels in the Outfield (1951), film...Cab Driver (uncredited)
57. South of Caliente (1951), film...Dave Norris
58. This Woman Is Dangerous (1952), film...Saunders - Gambling House Prorietor
59. Pjevajmo na kiši (1952), film...Roscoe Dexter
60. Horizonti zapada (1952), film...Ed Tompkins
61. Room for One More (1952), film...Ice Man (scenes deleted)
62. Just This Once (1952), film...Frank Pirosh
63. Kanzas pacific (1953), film...Max Janus
64. The Man Behind the Gun (1953), film...Buckley
65. A Slight Case of Larceny (1953), film...Whitey
66. Cat-Women of the Moon (1953), film
67. Gola džungla (1954), film...Medicine Man
68. Jugozapadni prolaz (1954), film...Toad Ellis
69. Usamljeni revolveraš (1954), film...Bartender
70. Casanova's Big Night (1954), film...Second Prisoner
71. Deep in My Heart (1954), film...Harold Butterfield
72. 3 Ring Circus (1954), film...Army Payroll Officer (uncredited)
73. Dama iz Teksasa (1955), film...Clay Ballard
74. The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp (1955), serija...Doc Holliday
75. Bandido (1956), film...McGhee
76. The Broken Star (1956), film...Hiram Charleton
77. The Man from Del Rio (1956), film...Doc Adams
78. Kelly and Me (1956), film...Dave Gans
79. The Badge of Marshal Brennan (1957), film...Marshal Matt Brennan
80. Raiders of Old California (1957), film...Sheriff
81. Planinama Divljeg zapada (1959), film...Whitey
82. Baraba (1961), film...Vasasio
83. Buffalo Gun (1961), film...Sheriff
84. Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed? (1963), film...Roberts aka Walter P. Johnson
85. Čudo bijelih pastuha (1963), film...Lt. General Walton H. Walker
86. Guns of Diablo (1964), film...Mr. Knudsen
87. 7 Faces of Dr. Lao (1964), film...Toothless Cowboy
88. A Man Called Shenandoah (1965), serija...Gil Harden
89. Dobri i loši momci (1969), film...Grundy
90. Šerif iz države Tennessea (1973), film...Judge Clarke
91. Homebodies (1974), film...Mr. Crawford
92. Od podneva do tri (1976), film...Buck Bowers
93. Bijeli bizon (1977), film...Amos Bixby
94. Black Oak Conspiracy (1977), film...Bryan Hancock