Robert Fellows
Rođendan: 1903
Umro: 1969
1. Pitsburg (1942), film...(contributing writer) (uncredited)
2. The Girl Hunters (1963), film...(screenplay)
1. Na putu za Santa Fe (1940), film...associate producer
2. Pod zastavom slobode (1940), film...associate producer
3. Umrli su u čizmama (1941), film...associate producer
4. Pitsburg (1942), film...associate producer
5. Bombardier (1943), film
6. The Iron Major (1943), film
7. Visok u sedlu (1944), film
8. Opasni eksperiment (1944), film...executive producer
9. Marine Raiders (1944), film
10. Povratak u Batan (1945), film...executive producer
11. The Spanish Main (1945), film...executive producer
12. Lady Luck (1946), film...executive producer
13. Ulice Lareda (1949), film
14. Jenki na dvoru kralja Artura (1949), film
15. Appointment With Danger (1950), film
16. Let's Dance (1950), film
17. Njegov tip žene (1951), film...producer (uncredited)
18. Hondo (1953), film
19. Trag pume (1954), film...producer (uncredited)
20. The Boy and the Laughing Dog (1956), film...producer (uncredited)
21. Screaming Mimi (1958), film
22. The Girl Hunters (1963), film