Cesare Zavattini
Rođendan: 1902
Umro: 1989
1. Babau 70 (1976), serija...Self - Guest
2. The Truth (1982), film...Antonio
3. Strand, Under the Dark Cloth (1991), film...Self
...(archive footage)
5. Porn to Be Free (2016), film...Self (archive footage)
1. Ljubav u gradu (1953), film
2. The Truth (1982), film
1. Četiri koraka u oblacima (1942), film...(story)
2. Don Cesare di Bazan (1942), film...(screenplay)
3. SILENZIO, SI GIRA! (1943), film...(screenplay)
4. Daddy's Little Devil (1943), film...(screenplay)
5. The Children Are Watching Us (1943), film
6. Our Dreams (1943), film...(screenplay)
7. Kradljivci bicikala (1948), film...(story)
8. Unkown Men of San Marino (1948), film
9. Fabiola (1949), film...(screenplay) &
10. The Walls of Malapaga (1949), film
11. The Bride Couldn't Wait (1949), film...(original story)
12. It's Forever Springtime (1950), film...(story)
13. The Sky is Red (1950), film
14. Twelve Hours to Live (1950), film
15. Prva pričest (1950), film
16. Čudo u Milanu (1951), film...(novel)
17. Mamma mia, che impressione! (1951), film...(screenplay)
19. Umberto D. (1952), film...(story and screenplay)
20. Hello Elephant (1952), film...(screenplay)
21. Rim u 11 časova (1952), film...(story)
22. Voice of Silence (1953), film...(takenlooselyfromastoryby)
23. Ljubav u gradu (1953), film
...(from the story "Terminal Station")
25. A Husband for Anna (1953), film...(story)
26. LA PASSEGGIATA (1953), film
27. Gauner mit Herz (1953), film
28. Žene smo (1953), film...(idea)
29. Ali Baba i četrdeset hajduka (1954), film...(story)
30. Zlato Napulja (1954), film...(adapted for the screen by)
31. U znaku Venere (1955), film...(scenario collaborator)
32. Ljubav i čavrljanje (1958), film...(screenplay)
33. Ciociara (1960), film
34. Lipstick (1960), film...(screenplay)
35. Atomic War Bride (1960), film
36. Liebe als Alibi (1961), film...(writer)
37. Fernandel: Posljednji sud (1961), film...(story)
38. Latin Lovers (1961), film...(concept)
39. Arturo's Island (1962), film...(collaboration)
40. Boccaccio sedamdesetih (1962), film...(screenplay)
41. Jučer, danas, sutra (1963), film...(screenplay)
42. Boom (1963), film
43. After the Fox (1966), film...(screenplay)
44. Ići ćemo u grad (1966), film...(story)
45. Vještice (1967), film...(collaboration) (segment "Strega bruciata viva, La
46. Woman Times Seven (1967), film...(story)
47. Hir na talijanski način (1968), film
48. Vrt Finci-Kontinievih (1970), film...(uncredited)
49. Suncokreti (1970), film...(story)
50. The Children of Sanchez (1978), film
51. The Truth (1982), film
52. Šetnja u oblacima (1995), film...(story and screenplay material: "Quattro passi fra
1. Ljubav u gradu (1953), film...series producer
1. Ligabue (1977), serija