A resident of Palanka received a million dinars. Nobody knows who. And from a small environment, Palanka is turning into a scene of interesting events. The landscape of the place is changing, but so are the people.

Es war auf den Kanälen:


  • Das Model und der Schnüffler (1985)

    The top model Maddie Hayes was betrayed by her investment adviser who flew with all her money to South-America and began the hard life of a Casino owner. All the...
  • Baš me briga

    Zabavno-humoristična serija BN TV.
  • To toplo ljeto (2008)

    Radnja serije dešava se 1968. godine u Banjoj Luci. Glavni likovi su ljudi iz jednog Banjalučkog naselja. Inače, seriju prati priča iz perspektive Pece kao malog...
  • Pervanov dnevnik (2013)

    Za izgradnju vlastitog stava svaki građanin nužno treba pravodobnu, ako je potrebito, čak i istinitu informaciju. RTL je angažirao svjetski ugledne novinarske...

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