
Najniebezpieczniejsze miejsca świata: Budynki

World's Most Extreme (2014)

Режисьори: Rob Kaplan, Sam Miller

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EPISODE: 1 - Budynki


From wondrous airports carved into unstable ice shelves and highways built along barren cliffs with 300-meter drop-offs, to spectacular bridges that take you through the clouds and railway tracks with homemade trains - these are the most fascinating and extreme places in the world.
Where there is adrenaline, danger and excitement, there is our six-part series. Thanks to edge-of-your-seat technology, eyewitness accounts, rare archival footage and cutting-edge CGI, the series takes the viewer straight to the world's most extreme locations.
Interweaving powerful narrative and massive engineering feats, we bring you the 10 most extreme airports, railways, roads, tunnels, bridges and waterways in the world.


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