
My First Festivals: Eid

My First: Festivals (2019)

Режисьори: Paul McCoy, David Mordey

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EPISODE: 1 - Eid


Following seven-year-old Iqra as she and her family prepare for the celebration Eid (Eid Al-Adha). With lots of things to do before the big day, Iqra starts her journey by visiting her local mosque to meet the Imam to find out more about Eid. Traditionally family members get each other a secret gift for Eid. After buying a secret present for her dad and a new dress, she joins her mum and grandma by helping them to cook up some delicious special food for her community.

Narrator: Gemma Hunt


My First FestivalsMy First FestivalsMy First FestivalsMy First FestivalsMy First FestivalsMy First FestivalsMy First FestivalsMy First FestivalsMy First FestivalsMy First Festivals


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