
The Real Housewives of Atlanta: Housewife House Wars

The Real Housewives of Atlanta (2016)

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EPISODE: 2 - Housewife House Wars


Cynthia is worried that her failed marriage has taken its toll on her daughter. Kandi and Todd launch their new product-line, while creating their restaurant. Joyce voices her theories on Phaedra's break up process. Porsha organises an outing.


The Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of Atlanta


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