
Dinner Date: Matt Johnson

Dinner Date (2010)

Режисьори: Danny Fildes, Peter Campion

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Потребителска оценка: 5/10


EPISODE: 44 - Matt Johnson


In another special celebrity edition of the culinary dating show, hunky TV presenter Matt Johnson chooses three ladies to date based on the menus he most likes the look of. Matt's dates have no idea they are about to date a celebrity! When the dinners have been eaten and the dates are done, who will he want to see for seconds?


Dinner DateDinner Date


Преглед от hymie
вторник, 4 май 2021 г. 10:13
Dating show in which a celebrity has three meals cooked for them by three unsuspecting blind dates. In this episode, TV presenter Matt Johnson chooses three ladies to date based on the menus he most likes the look of.

He seemed to enjoy the company of the three young ladies and was generally happy with the meals served and the banter.

However, once he chose the lady he thought was suitable for another date, we learned that they didn't even exchange numbers and never saw each other... (Повече)
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