
Бевърли Хилс, 90210: Cuffs and Links

Beverly Hills, 90210 (1994)

драма, романтичен | Съединени щати
Режисьори: Gilbert M. Shilton

Къде да погледнем
Показването не е налично в държавата
Рейтинг: 6.3/10


EPISODE: 24 - Cuffs and Links


Brenda calls Dylan from jail in the hopes of keeping her arrest a secret, but he is forced to tell her parents. Brenda's friends avoid her out of fear of being accessories after the fact and Kelly acts especially bitchy because she is tired of Dylan coming to Brenda's rescue. Brenda faces felony charges, as her crime was a federal offense. An FBI agent who had gone undercover with the activists offers her immunity in exchange for her testimony. Kelly apologizes for shunning Brenda. Andrea gives Donna a healthy puppy (Rocky II) to take her mind off Rocky's death. Steve and his overbearing father, Rush, take on a baseball star and his dad in a father/son golf tournament. Steve catches his father cheating and forces him to complete the game honestly. Lucinda receives a grant for her movie and leaves the university. Josh threatens to expose Brandon's affair with Lucinda unless he endorses his campaign for student president. Brandon calls his bluff and Josh eventually has second thoughts.


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