
The Real Housewives of Atlanta: New Tricks

The Real Housewives of Atlanta (2011)

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EPISODE: 8 - New Tricks


Kim and her newly expanded family move to a mansion of their dreams, while Sheree and Phaedra's friendship suffers following their court battle.


The Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of AtlantaThe Real Housewives of Atlanta


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