
Border Security: Australia's Front Line

Border Security: Australia's Front Line (2004)

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A huge operation to stop the illegal fishing threat in our northern waters heats up, and two print cartridges raise suspicions at the mail handling unit. Meanwhile, the mysterious contents of an unidentified bag leave officers baffled, and a passenger lands in hot water after admitting he failed to pack his own bags.


Border Security: Australia's Front LineBorder Security: Australia's Front LineBorder Security: Australia's Front LineBorder Security: Australia's Front LineBorder Security: Australia's Front LineBorder Security: Australia's Front LineBorder Security: Australia's Front LineBorder Security: Australia's Front LineBorder Security: Australia's Front LineBorder Security: Australia's Front LineBorder Security: Australia's Front LineBorder Security: Australia's Front LineBorder Security: Australia's Front LineBorder Security: Australia's Front LineBorder Security: Australia's Front Line


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