
The Crocodile Hunter: Steve and the Dragon

Crocodile Hunter (1999)

Режисьори: John Stainton, Mark Strickson

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EPISODE: 13 - Steve and the Dragon


Steve Irwin and his wife Terri run a wildlife refuge in Australia which houses many of the continent's most dangerous animals, including the much feared crocodile and numerous venomous snakes. Steve's speciality is the capture and relocation of crocs that have ventured too close to populated areas. Steve prefers to use ropes, sticks and his brute strength to catch the crocs.


The Crocodile HunterThe Crocodile HunterThe Crocodile HunterThe Crocodile HunterThe Crocodile HunterThe Crocodile HunterThe Crocodile HunterThe Crocodile Hunter


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