
Deadliest Catch: The Bait: Midseason Kings

Deadliest Catch: The Bait (2013)

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EPISODE: 2 - Midseason Kings


The captains take a look back at the previous season's hardships.


Deadliest Catch: The BaitDeadliest Catch: The BaitDeadliest Catch: The BaitDeadliest Catch: The BaitDeadliest Catch: The BaitDeadliest Catch: The BaitDeadliest Catch: The BaitDeadliest Catch: The BaitDeadliest Catch: The BaitDeadliest Catch: The BaitDeadliest Catch: The BaitDeadliest Catch: The BaitDeadliest Catch: The BaitDeadliest Catch: The BaitDeadliest Catch: The Bait


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