
Богати и жестоки: Episode 10360 - Friday, February 28, 2014

The Young and the Restless (2014)

Режисьори: Sally McDonald, Owen Renfroe

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EPISODE: 240 - Episode 10360 - Friday, February 28, 2014


Victor explains to Chelsea that all he wants to do is help her and Connor. Later, Chelsea receives a call from a blocked number and the person on the other end of the line doesn’t say anything. Chelsea privately wonders to herself if Adam might be trying to reach her.

Kevin urges Chloe to let Michael build a defense for her, but she tells Michael that she isn’t his client and he can consider himself fired. Chloe shocks Michael and Kevin when she says that what she did was wrong and that she deserves to be punished.

Colin informs Jill that if she thinks she can solve the riddle on her own and cut him out, then she better think again. Jill doesn’t think there is anything to cut Colin out of considering she thinks he is sending her on a wild goose chase.

Kelly confronts Stitch about his soon to be ex-wife, Jenna. Stitch tells Kelly he needs to take responsibility for all the times he lied to Jenna. Later, Stitch runs into Victoria at the GCAC gym. She reveals that there is nothing normal for her and Billy anymore and she questions if her marriage is even worth fighting for. Later, Victoria makes a shocking decision!


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