
Богати и жестоки: Episode 10304 - Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Young and the Restless (2013)

Режисьори: Sally McDonald, Owen Renfroe

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EPISODE: 184 - Episode 10304 - Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Nick tells Nikki that he understands why she kept her secret and admits that he will have to find a way to deal with Dylan being her son.  Victoria tells Victor that if Dylan isn’t welcome in the family then she isn’t going to be a part of it either.  Later, Avery gives Dylan information that she found on Ian Ward. Leslie meets up with Neil and asks him what he’s been up to.  Neil slyly admits that he won’t tell her anything more and that she’ll have to wait until Christmas.  Neil intends to change her view on the holidays and make this one to remember. Hilary finds a bottle of pills in Jack’s desk.


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