
Богати и жестоки: Episode 10289 - Monday, November 18, 2013

The Young and the Restless (2013)

Режисьори: Sally McDonald, Owen Renfroe

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EPISODE: 169 - Episode 10289 - Monday, November 18, 2013


Nikki tells Paul that she is ready for Dylan to know she is his mother, but first she needs to tell the rest of her family. When Nikki worries how Victor will react, Paul tries to reassure her that everyone will ultimately support her and appreciate that she told the truth. Meanwhile, Nick and Dylan have a heated argument.

Billy and Adam continue to post on the grief website.

Paul updates Kevin saying they are bringing in a profiler to help with the hit and run case. Later, Kevin asks for Adam’s help in getting Chloe to stop spending so much time around Connor.


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