
Богати и жестоки: Episode 10279 - Monday, November 4, 2013

The Young and the Restless (2013)

Режисьори: Sally McDonald, Owen Renfroe

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EPISODE: 159 - Episode 10279 - Monday, November 4, 2013


Billy tells Victoria that he is going to find the person that ran down his littler girl so the punishment will actually fit the crime. Meanwhile, Adam sets up a video camera and tapes his confession to the hit and run death of Delia.Alex and Kevin tell Chloe about the plastic they found and how it narrows down the SUV that hit Delia.Jack and Hilary have an important discussion at the Athletic Club about the plans for her future.Dylan and Chelsea discuss their relationship as he presents her with divorce papers. Chelsea makes an important decision about her future.


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