
Untamed Switzerland: The Jungfrau Region

Unsere wilde Schweiz (2018)

документален | Швейцария, Германия
Режисьори: Markus Fischötter, Anja Glücklich

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Потребителска оценка: 3/10


EPISODE: 2 - The Jungfrau Region


This series is an expedition through wild Switzerland. In four films we take to the stage of nature, search for the big and small dramas that take place in the animal and plant world, explore the origins of time-honoured myths and legends about busy dwarfs and scary dragons. And we tell stories of people who live and work in the midst of this nature.

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Untamed SwitzerlandUntamed SwitzerlandUntamed SwitzerlandUntamed SwitzerlandUntamed SwitzerlandUntamed SwitzerlandUntamed SwitzerlandUntamed SwitzerlandUntamed SwitzerlandUntamed SwitzerlandUntamed SwitzerlandUntamed SwitzerlandUntamed SwitzerlandUntamed SwitzerlandUntamed Switzerland


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