
Robin of Sherwood: The Sheriff of Nottingham

Robin of Sherwood (1986)

Режисьори: Christopher King

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EPISODE: 5 - The Sheriff of Nottingham


Robert de Rainault, high Sheriff of Nottingham, failing one time too many to end the activities of Robin Hood, is dismissed by the king and replaced by Philip Mark, ""The Butcher of Lincoln"". Mark captures 6 villagers from Wickham and sends out word that Robin Hood must turn himself in or the captives will die the next noon, and six more the day after that until Robin is captured. Nasir must face the new Sheriff's servant, Sarak, a masked assassin out of the Saracen's past


Robin of SherwoodRobin of SherwoodRobin of SherwoodRobin of SherwoodRobin of SherwoodRobin of SherwoodRobin of SherwoodRobin of SherwoodRobin of SherwoodRobin of SherwoodRobin of Sherwood


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