Caligula: Imada and Higashino Get Involved!"It's Me" Fraud Championship

Imada x Higashino no Carigyura (2018)

Режисьори: Koji Higashino, Koji Imada

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EPISODE: 15 - Imada and Higashino Get Involved!"It's Me" Fraud Championship


"My parents wouldn't fall for it." It's dangerous for you to think this way! A fraud group makes serious attempts to swindle comedians' mothers. This time, Imada and Higashino join the team of swindlers! The group commits fraud against the mother of Sekimachi, a member of the comedy duo RICE." It's me! I molested a woman fraud." Can Sekimachi's mother fend off the swindlers!?

Времетраене: 816 мин


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