Goosebumps: Teacher's Pet

Goosebumps (1998)

Режисьори: Stefan Scaini

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EPISODE: 22 - Teacher's Pet


Becca and Benji were on a class field-trip with, well, their class. However, when they got on the trail, Becca realizes she lost the locket that her grandmother gave her. Becca and Benji went back to find it. Becca did, but then it moved by itself. She soon realized that it really didn't, a bunny moved it. However, when she picked the bunny up, she found it had a snake's face! However, no one believes her, and the trip resumed. Mr. Blankenship, their teacher, showed them how a snake devoured a mouse. However, when Becca and Benji went exploring, they found a strange cabin. With live snakes...


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