
Celts: The Untold Story: The Art and War

Celts - The Untold Story (2022)

документален, исторически | Чехия, Германия, Съединени щати, Обединеното кралство
Режисьори: Marek Bures, Max Serio

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EPISODE: 2 - The Art and War


After thriving for three centuries, the Celts turned from traders into proven warriors, weapon masters and metal artists in a time that became their golden age.

Сценарист: ,
Продуценти: Martin Kase


Celts: The Untold StoryCelts: The Untold StoryCelts: The Untold StoryCelts: The Untold StoryCelts: The Untold StoryCelts: The Untold StoryCelts: The Untold StoryCelts: The Untold StoryCelts: The Untold StoryCelts: The Untold StoryCelts: The Untold StoryCelts: The Untold StoryCelts: The Untold Story


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