
Outrageous Acts of Science: Ground Breakers

Outrageous Acts of Science (2017)

документален | Съединени щати, Обединеното кралство
Режисьори: Claire Justin

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EPISODE: 6 - Ground Breakers


We're breaking new ground with the internet's most astonishing trend setters. We'll see everything from the world's first mountain bike on skis to a real-life Iron Man suit. These front runners leave all things ordinary in the rea...


Outrageous Acts of ScienceOutrageous Acts of ScienceOutrageous Acts of ScienceOutrageous Acts of ScienceOutrageous Acts of ScienceOutrageous Acts of ScienceOutrageous Acts of ScienceOutrageous Acts of ScienceOutrageous Acts of ScienceOutrageous Acts of ScienceOutrageous Acts of ScienceOutrageous Acts of ScienceOutrageous Acts of ScienceOutrageous Acts of ScienceOutrageous Acts of Science


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