EPISODE: 25 - Turbine Au Rebut


Set in 52 BC, Lutetia (Paris) is entirely occupied by the Romans. Luckily, Dogmatix and his furry friends don’t intend to sit back and watch the town turn into a Roman city!


Foto: SUPER RTLFoto: SUPER RTLFoto: SUPER RTLFoto: SUPER RTLDogmatix And The IndomitablesDogmatix And The IndomitablesDogmatix And The IndomitablesDogmatix And The IndomitablesDogmatix And The IndomitablesDogmatix And The IndomitablesDogmatix And The IndomitablesDogmatix And The IndomitablesDogmatix And The IndomitablesDogmatix And The IndomitablesDogmatix And The Indomitables


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