
Waffle the Wonder Dog: Sponsored Waffle

Waffle the Wonder Dog (2018)

Режисьори: Jack Jameson, Matt Rene

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EPISODE: 15 - Sponsored Waffle


Waffle, Simon, Doug, Evie and Ruby do a sponsored silence to raise money for the school. It's not much fun, so Mrs Hobbs suggests they do a jigsaw. Waffle finds the missing piece.


Waffle the Wonder DogWaffle the Wonder DogWaffle the Wonder DogWaffle the Wonder DogWaffle the Wonder DogWaffle the Wonder DogWaffle the Wonder DogWaffle the Wonder DogWaffle the Wonder DogWaffle the Wonder DogWaffle the Wonder DogWaffle the Wonder DogWaffle the Wonder DogWaffle the Wonder DogWaffle the Wonder Dog


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