
Cars That Rock with Brian Johnson

Cars That Rock with Brian Johnson (2014)

документален | Обединеното кралство
Режисьори: Michael Nuvoletta

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When he's not wowing millions of screaming fans in one of the biggest and most influential rock bands of all time, AC/DC front man Brian Johnson can be found behind the wheel of a powerhouse car. He's competed in vintage races all over the globe and even participated in Daytona. Now Brian's going full speed ahead to his next adventure - sharing his passion for the most magnificent four-wheeled vehicles in history! From Porsche, Bugahtti and Lamborghini to Rolls Royce, Mini and Bentley, this bona-fide car fanatic takes us inside exclusive factories in Italy, Germany and England to uncover what makes them so iconic, talking with owners and experts to reveal the fascinating histories and mysteries of each ride and getting to the root of our need for speed with cars that inspire awe, envy and pride.


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