
Sports Max highlights the latest extreme and alternative sports from around the globe, including mountain biking, surfing, snowboarding, kiteboarding, skateboarding, rock climbing, kayaking, skydiving, freeskiing, freestyle motocross, BMX, extreme big mountain skiing & snowboarding, parkour and many more.


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  • Abu Dhabi Grand Slam

    The Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Jiu-Jitsu World Tour is a series of international Brazilian jiu-jitsu tournaments, taking place every year, organised by the United Arab...
  • Македонски спортски легенди - Македонска спортска енциклопедија

    Спортскиот новинар и коментатор Зоран Михајлов зборува за спортските легедни кои потекнуваат од Македонија, огромен број на врвни спортисти со значајни резултати,...
  • X Games

    The X Games are a series of action sports events founded by ESPN Inc. The X Games have been held all over the world and typically include sports such as...
  • IFSC Climbing World Cup

    The IFSC Climbing World Cup is a series of competition climbing events held during the year at various locations around the world, organized by the International...
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