
Kumkum Bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya (2015)

Режисьори: Diramar1984, Sameer Kulkarni

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Pragya, Abhi and Tannu are at the hospital to get Tannu tested for her pregnancy. Amidst this, Abhi and Pragya spot Pragya s mother at the very same hospital, and they hide from her sight. But Tannu, on the other hand, confronts Pragya's mother. On being asked what she is doing here, Tannu replies that she is here for a check-up. Elsewhere, Rachana meets Dadi and apologizes to her. She tells Dadi that it is because of her that Pragya is behaving this way. Dadi tells Rachana that she would clearly ask Pragya as to what the matter is, and get things solved. What will the results of Tannu's pregnancy test be?


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