
Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild: Iceland

Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild (2013)

Режисьори: Jo Young

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EPISODE: 2 - Iceland


Joining Ben in the highlands of eastern Iceland to stay with 50-year-old Denni Karlsson, a former filmmaker who swapped the bright lights of Hollywood for the northern lights of his homeland.


Ben Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the Wild


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