Рейтинг: 4.6/10
Потребителска оценка: 8.5/10
(8 votes)


During the invasion of Iraq, the National Guard Commander Ted Cogan sees a van speeding up against his site without respecting the warning plates. He orders his men to fire, and later he discovers that in the van there was an Iraqi family. He tries to save a young girl from the fire, but the vehicle explodes and his group is attacked; he enters in coma severely wounded and his friend and neighbor dies. When Ted recovers, he returns home to meet his family, but he is increasingly haunted by ghosts of dead people, premonitions and guilty complex for the death of the innocent family. He seeks medical support but his financial situation does not allow him to pay for a treatment and the government denies helping him. However, one ghost gives the name of Jake Witzky, who tells him to find out what the spirit demands from him. When his son Max is severely wounded in a car crash where his girlfriend Sammi and their friend Luke die, Ted discovers the wish of justice of the tormented soul and ...


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