

La ragazzina (1974)

drama | Italija
Režiser: Mario Imperoli

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Ocjena: 4.8/10
Ocjena korisnika: 8.5/10
(2 glasova)


Monica is a young and beautiful virgin. She's only 16 years old, and has already attracted the attention of classmates and seniors alike. She has a boyfriend, Leo, but does not know he is in fact a pimp, who offers young and innocent girls to rich businessmen. One such client falls in love with Monica and offers Leo a significant amount of money to get her. Meanwhile Monica turns her attention to her teacher, not knowing that he also has his secrets.


Recenzirao/la hymie
utorak, 9. mart 2021. 09:22
Gloria Guida plays a virginal 16-year-old schoolgirl and one of her male classmates is trying to seduce her, when he is not pimping out her female classmates to rich businessmen. She finally decides to surrender her virginity only to find out that he wasn't worth it. Then she is nearly raped by an older man who was supposed to be a friend of hers. It is at this point that she decides her body is a marketable commodity.

La Ragazzina was Gloria Guida's screen debut, made the same year she... (više)
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