
  1. ...
    Self - Interviewed
  2. ...
    Self - Physical Anthropologist, Idaho State Univer
  3. ...
    Self - Physical Anthropologist, Idaho State Univer
  4. ...
    Self - Investigator
  5. ...
    Self - Researcher, Idaho State University
  6. ...
  7. ...
    Self - Professor of Anthropology, Idaho State Univ
  8. ...
    Jeff Meldrum
  9. ...
  10. ...
    Self - Professor
  11. ...
    Self - Physical Anthropologist, Idaho State Univer
  12. ...
    Self - Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology, Ohio
  13. 15. Sasquatch (2021), serija
    Self - Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology
  14. ...
    Self - Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology, Ohio

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