Charles Ruggles

Rojstni dan: 1886
Umrl: 1970
1. Tezave v raju (1932), film...The Major
2. Love Me Tonight (1932), film...Viscount Gilbert de Varèze
3. One Hour with You (1932), film
4. Melody Cruise (1933), film...Pete Wells
5. Good-bye Love (1933), film...Oswald Groggs
6. Murder in the Private Car (1934), film...Godfrey D. Scott
7. Ruggles of Red Gap (1935), film...Egbert Floud
8. No More Ladies (1935), film...Edgar
9. Hearts Divided (1936), film...Henry
10. Težavna vzgoja (1938), film...Major Applegate
11. Pevec potepuh (1938), film...Samuel Terwilliger
12. No Time for Comedy (1940), film...Philo Swift
13. The Invisible Woman (1940), film...George
14. The Doughgirls (1944), film...Stanley Slade
15. A Stolen Life (1946), film...Freddie Linley
16. Ramrod (1947), film...Ben Dickason
17. It Happened on Fifth Avenue (1947), film...Michael J. O'Connor
18. Look for the Silver Lining (1949), film...Caro 'Pop' Miller
19. This Is Your Life (1950), serija...Self
20. Past za starše (1961), film...Charles McKendrick
21. All in a Night's Work (1961), film...Dr. Warren Kingsley Sr.
22. The Pleasure of His Company (1961), film...Mackenzie Savage
23. Son of Flubber (1962), film...Judge Murdock
24. My Living Doll (1964), serija...Jonas Clay
25. The Ugly Dachshund (1966), film...Dr. J.L. Pruitt
26. Follow Me, Boys! (1966), film...John Everett Hughes