
The Challenge: Human Aquarium

Real World/Road Rules Challenge (2003)

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EPISODUL: 15 - Human Aquarium


It's mission morning, James and Shane know they have a fight today to make sure that they don't end up in last place after the mission. Emily comments about how James was born for competition. They receive their next mission clue on their phone, it says the girls must wear a two piece bathing suit and the guys must wear their speedos. The girls believe it will be something humiliating. They arrive at the mission site to find a big tank of water. Johnny announces that the next mission will be Human Aquarium. Everybody will be given a snorkel and will have to lay in a 2 foot deep pool of water. They must stay submerged under the water, only their knees and one hand may come above the water. The catch is every 5 minutes, they will dump buckets of different sea creatures on them and around the pool. The person to stay completely submerged while holding a cup of water with a fish in it upright the whole time wins a Vail Ski Trip for their team and ofcourse the Ion Lifesaver.


The ChallengeThe ChallengeThe ChallengeThe Challenge


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