
The Challenge: Spider Mon

Real World/Road Rules Challenge (2003)

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EPISODUL: 14 - Spider Mon


We start off with the remaining cast partying hard at a local nightclub. They're shots of drinking, dancing, and even Blair going down a waterslide naked. Back at the villas, we see Shane who is growing sick of the ""Frat-Circle"" that he calls the remaining male team. He just doesn't fit in and he's growing home sick. He says that no matter if he wins tomorrows mission he is ready and will be going home. The following day Shane sits down with Ruthie and Genesis and has a three hour discussion about their lives in general. He has now realized that he has a place in these peoples lives. They head to the next mission which is taking place at a nearby hotel. They arrive to find a huge net drawn up between the two hotel towers. Johnney announces that this next mission is called ""Spider Mon"". One guy and one girl will be drawn out on a wire hung off the 15th floor of the two hotel towers in front of this huge net.


The ChallengeThe ChallengeThe ChallengeThe Challenge


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