
The Animals of Farthing Wood: Homeward Bound

The Animals of Farthing Wood (1995)

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EPISODUL: 12 - Homeward Bound


When the weasels return home, all the animals are overrun with joy. Fox explains their problem with the rats to the weasels and asks for their help. They agree, but first they must train Fido and Cleo on how to deal with rats ... using Spike as a volunteer. Mossy tells Hurkel that he found Shadow in a hutch by the Warden's cottage. While Hurkel and the weasels try to get her out, the Warden's cat summons Rollo to get rid of them. Of course, he recognizes his weasel friends and is very happy to see them. Meanwhile, after a few fights for leadership of the herd, the white deer and Farthing animals name Laird as the new leader of White Deer Park. Elsewhere, the rats, at their largest number yet, prepare to launch a massed attack on the animals of the park.


The Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing Wood


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