
The Animals of Farthing Wood: The Worst Kind of Hurricane

The Animals of Farthing Wood (1995)

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EPISODUL: 11 - The Worst Kind of Hurricane


As Mossy predicted, a hurricane come to the area around White Deer Park. The fierce winds knock over the last Farthing Wood beech tree and release Owl from her cement shell. After the hurricane ends, Rollo and the Warden find Shadow unconscious and take her to the cottage. Fox discovers Trey pinned under a tree. Another stag, Laird, comes to free Trey and readies to challenge him to a fight for leadership. Because of his injury, Trey reluctantly limps away abdicating his power to Laird. Afterwards, he is taken away by the Warden. Measley declares that he will take no more of Weasel's insults and decides to take their young ones back to White Deer Park. Weasel agrees wholeheartedly.


The Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing Wood


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