
Sherlock Holmes şi Dr Watson

Elementary (2012)

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Sherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr Watson


Nicio recenzie
  • Vera (2011)

    The central character is Detective Chief Inspector Vera Stanhope. Who is obsessive about her work and driven by her own demons. If she's lonely she doesn't show...
  • Castle (2009)

    Rick Castle (Nathan Fillion) e unul din cei mai de succes autori de romane poliţiste din lume. Însă când viaţa lui de vedetă rock nu-i mai este îndeajuns, acest...
  • Aventurile lui Sherlock Holmes (1984)

    This highly detailed series recreated the adventures of Conan Doyle's Victorian detective in painstaking detail, sometimes to the extent of recreating the...
  • Endeavour (2012)

    Set from 1965 to 1971, the show follows Endeavour Morse in his early years as a police constable. Working alongside his senior partner DI Fred Thursday, Morse...

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