
Sherlock Holmes şi Dr Watson

Elementary (2012)

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Sherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes şi Dr Watson


Nicio recenzie
  • Cititorii de oase (2005)

    Ambițiosul agent FBI, Seely Booth, îi cere ajutorul strălucitului antropolog dr. Temperance Brennan pentru a rezolva o serie de crime identificând victimele...
  • Shark (2006)

    Title character Sebastian Stark is an L.A. hot-shot lawyer, who leaves his lucrative career as defender of rich criminals to join the public prosecution under the...
  • Lie to me - Psihologia minciunii (2009)

    Dr. Cal Lightman teaches a course in body language and makes an honest fortune exploiting it. He's employed by various public authorities in various...
  • Inspector George Gently (2007)

    One-off drama set in 1964 about an old-school detective trying to come to terms with a time when the lines between the police and criminals have become blurred,...

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