Café Kwanza is a comedy series created by actor and screenwriter, Matamba Joaquim and written in partnership with Miguel Paiva. The series revolves around Ti-Chico, Francisco Tchipa (Daniel Martinho), an ex-military man who owns a small café in Barreiro, in an area where many people of African descent live. He relies mainly on the help of his nephew Kiki and Lola, a young woman brought up in the neighbourhood, hardworking and honest, for whom Ti-Chico has a special affection. The three will try to take the business forward, a task that is not easy to guess because of the ridiculous clientele. The series is about the day-to-day life of a small café, where there are diverse and charismatic characters that give rise to the most hilarious situations, at the same time that the survival of the business is at stake.

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