A food revolution has hit Scandinavia. Adam Liaw heads far north to investigate the cleanest, healthiest, and happiest part of the world, while immersing himself in Scandinavian Nordic culture, history and cuisine. Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

Estava nos canais:


  • Food Unknown

    Food brings people together and is a big part of culture and the human story, but not every story is being told. Jonathan Legg is on his mission to understand the...
  • Chef on Board

    Travelling across Italy experiencing regional food is a dream for some. Doing so from a boat is far from achievable for many. However, this dream became reality...
  • Nasa, Ficheiros Secretos (2012)

    A look is taken at exclusive NASA footage and firsthand accounts of mysterious fly objects from astronauts and scientists are presented.
  • Bon Appetit (2014)

    When you wonder what to eat, simple and well-known recipes always come in handy. These are the suggestions of the famous culinary duo, Lora and Stojan.

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